![Logo Usługi UW Cloud](/en/uslugi/UslugiChmuraWewnetrznaUWCloudAWS/LogoCloud.png)
The University of Warsaw has a framework agreement enabling the use of Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud resources. This allows the university’s staff and units to fully utilize a wide range of AWS services, such as data processing, file storage, databases, data analytics, and more. A detailed scope and description of available services can be found at: aws.amazon.com.
Costs are billed based on actual usage. Cost calculator: calculator.aws/
To request access to AWS cloud services, submit a request through the DocSense system: generator.ds.uw.edu.pl
Select the option: Procurement request under the framework agreement -> UW Cloud - Public cloud services within AWS.
Under the contract, UW staff can take advantage of available training on the AWS platform through AWS Academy: aws.amazon.com/training/awsacademy/. Access to the platform is available after prior registration via the JIRA system: zgloszenia.jira.uw.edu.pl.
The materials and educational platform available through AWS Academy can also be used for conducting teaching activities for University of Warsaw students.
Contact and Support
For questions or technical assistance, please submit a request through the JIRA system: zgloszenia.jira.uw.edu.pl